Copilot quickstart 👩‍✈️
By Sulamita Ivanov

Posted on 1/10/2024

Copilot quickstart 👩‍✈️

I’ve heard a lot about Copilot and was hesitant to try it out, people were probably overreacting, right? It wasn’t until I went to GitHub Universe 2023 and saw several demos during the keynotes. After I mentioned on Twitter that I was going to try it out, I got a response from Shashi Lo (who works at Microsoft, which now owns GitHub + Copilot) saying he can show me a live demo with one of my own projects. This demo was a huge help in understanding how to use Copilot for myself personally. I highly recommend connecting with Shashi on Twitter!



💡AI won’t always be correct because it is still learning. So, make sure to double check the suggestions before approving.

Downloading Copilot


